Friday, November 28, 2008

Comment on Voice Thread

I waited to post this comment until after I had done some commenting on other voice threads. I found using this technique much easier than the online storybook. However, I did run into some problems with getting my audio and video to save correctly. I ended up recording many times just to get it saved. It began to get a little frustrating and I was cut off a couple of times in the middle of comments. If it caught most of what I said and wasn't just left hanging in the middle of something I just left the audio where it was so it least I had something on there. I had the same problem when trying to comment on other's projects. I then went back to the voice thread website and browsed through some of the posts. I found some amazing ideas on there for using this tool in the classroom. I already had a few ideas for projects including having students take pictures of projects they have been doing and then reflecting on the project and what they learned. I also have thought about using it in art as a method of critique. Students work could be photographed and then the artist and other students could comment on each others work. I would probably want to keep this one private or students would have to agree to having photos of their work posted. While I was browsing I found that you could also use voice thread for review of concepts and assignments. Students can even put the answers right on the voice thread or they can hand an assignment in separately. It would be a great way to have students who are gone for sports trips or other events complete assignments and get notes while they are away. Living here where students sometimes leave for a week or more on sport trips this will be an awesome tool. I can summarize notes and leave questions that students can answer and be graded on even before they return. It would also be a great tool for bell ringers especially in our high school classes as we are in the one to one program and all high school students should have their laptops with them everyday. It would provide time for doing those before class details like attendance and other things you might need extra time for at the beginning of a class. It would be a new way of doing think pair-share because after students post their comments you could have them go and read and post on other students comments. This is a great tool that I can't wait to implement in class.

1 comment:

skipvia said...

Thanks, Jodi, for taking the time to share this with us. You're right--these are excellent ideas for a classroom, many of which I will work into next semester's assignment.