Sunday, November 16, 2008

Working on my Online Story Book

I hope that I can get my story book online sometime tonight. I was working on a story book in Tabblo so that I could actually get a soft copy published for my granddaughters for Christmas. I think they would really get a kick out of seeing themselves in a book and reading a story of our adventures at the Florida Aquarium. Actually if I can get the hang of it I would probably make a book for each of my grandchildren highlighting an experience or day we had together. I think it will be a great educational tool for teaching my grandchildren about the places and things we saw. I am highlighting the wildlife I photographed at the Florida Aquarium and explaining some of the ecology or biology associated with each organism. I can see using it in my classroom highlighting lab projects or possibly making a zoobook in biology. I again see some problems possibly with copy right issues of pictures my students might want to use off the internet. I just thought about contacting Fish and Wildlife or even the Park Service here and seeing if they have pictures archived there that my students might be able to use. I know they have lots of photos at least at Fish and Wildlife because we always had to take photos when we were out in the field. I also have lots of photos that could be used and I could also have students do their own drawings for the books and scan them in. I am sure I will be able to find ways to utilize this tool. It would be a great way for students to document their lab experiences and share their observations, diagrams, and even pictures (since we have a classroom digital camera) online with other students doing similar experiments or even to put on our schools website. Once I get something done that can be put up on here I will comment somemore on the experience of creating this book. I was waiting for things to upload so I figured I would go ahead and do a post now with more to come.

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