Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct. 6 & 7 In-service Bristol Bay

On Monday and Tuesday my school had two full days of in-service. We had an Apple Trainer at our school for those two days. Since our school is participating in a one to one program this is always valuable training. We covered several topics including imovie. The topic I found most useful was Apple Remote Desktop (ARD). I have had ARD on my school laptop since last year and never really figured out how to use it correctly. I have used synchronize in our computer lab and had no problem with that, but ARD for some reason has been a problem. I was successful in following along with our trainer in the use of ARD. Now if I can just implement what I learned in my classroom. I know what I have to do is set up class with the lists of my students computers in it so I can keep an eye on them during class. I know there are a few others who are watching computers even those not in their classroom. That is good because the students know that even if I may not be watching someone else might be. I didn't get a chance to go back to ARD once classes resumed, but I do know that I have to make it a priority so that I will be able to view where my students are when I have them working on their computers. I want to always be able to make sure they are on task and if not I can capture a screenshot of a student off task or even on an inappropriate site. We were told a story of students chatting about smoking pot that was captured by a screenshot. I don't believe they did that again and everyone in the school knew about it so everyone got a clear warning to be responsible. We also covered iworks including document shortcuts, picture placements, and educational uses of iworks. I only got a hour of instruction on using imovie, but a little is better than none. I learned how to split videos in imovie, how to put in titles, and dub sound in. I really want to learn how to use this because our school also has a subscription to Discovery Education Streaming. Many of the videos on Discovery can be edited. I can have a student take a video use the clips and place in their own narration covering a plethora of topics. I wanted to do that last year, but never had a chance to get to it. I do use many video clips in my presentations though to enhance and illustrate the concepts I am teaching like mountain building and biomes. It is an exciting tool that I want to utilize in as many ways as I can and with the one to one program it is possible.


skipvia said...

I've always like ARD. We use it in the School of Education for troubleshooting and professional development. For example, I can watch a staff member's screen to see what (s)he is trying to do, then take over the screen to show the correct way. It saves a lot of time and effort on everyone's part.

One really nice thing about getting to know a tool like iMovie is that you can edit clips from other sources (Like Discovery) into movies that you can use with your class. It's such an easy program to use, but it has such wide adaptability to so many tasks.

Melissa said...

Hi Jodi,
How neat to take such an educational workshop. I would really like to get my hands on a Mac....I need to convinve my "I'm a PC husband first though!"